Realtor Information
Saint Helena Park
Only ONE sign is permitted per unit.
· Within eighteen (18) inches from the foundation of the unit in the land owned by the Unit Owner.
· Driven into the plant dirt to the left or right of the garage door siding at the base of either pillar.
· No sign of any kind can be placed in the common area or attached to the siding of the Unit.
· 18” X 24” (or 24” X 18”) inches maximum.
· No additional attachments or riders to the sign such as flags, balloons, lights, pamphlets, flyers, announcements or any additional advertisements.
· Place sign in a standard metal realtor sign frame which is not taller than 3 ½ feet.
· Install frame by pushing the metal stake at the bottom of the sign it into the ground.
· All sale signs must be removed within three days after close of escrow or signing of a lease.
Open House Signage
· A portable real estate related sign that is an off-site directional sign with restriction on the design, number, duration, and placement location. The generic version of this sign is limited to the text Open House with a directional arrow, shall not include riders and is subject to additional restrictions for design, number allowed and placement.
· Off-site Open House directional sign placement shall be restricted to SHPA Common Area grounds and must comply with City of St. Helena rules.
Design of generic off-site Open House directional signs shall comply with the following:
· Sign is limited to an A-frame type non-illuminated sign that is 4 square feet in size for each side with each side containing copy. Sign shall not exceed three and one-half feet in height.
· Attachments such as flags, balloons, lights, pamphlets, flyers, announcements or additional advertisements in any part of the sign are prohibited.
· No sign related to the sale or showing of real estate shall be attached or applied to vehicles or displayed within or on vehicles or towed trailers.
All Open House signs are temporary and limited to the duration of display while the open house is in progress.